Fast-track project for remote greenfield development in a sensitive area:
- Greenfield development required project acceleration due to superb results in exploratory wells plus assumed commitments with leasing authority
- Oilfield in remote, environmentally, and socially sensitive area
- No nearby infrastructure
- Junior operator with limited access to financial support and a lean structure with limited capabilities for project development and execution
- Develop EPF with readily available equipment in the market to handle unexpected high yield wells
- EPF ready for future expansion to cope with an accelerated and expanded drilling plan
- Provide the capability to deal with future high flow rates of produced water
- Limited time frame to build facilities on-site due to seasonal weather constraints
- Limited fieldwork due to restricted access to local qualified service companies and construction crews
Project Development
- Market research to find available equipment
- Process configuration defined accordingly
- Embedded process scheme allows future expansions to handle production growth and expected produced water surge due to reservoir characteristics.
- Provided onsite support during construction to overcome and solve on the fly any problems derived from departure from project plans and/or engineering changes
- Rapidly readjust project due to late arrival of equipment
- Flexible, robust, and environmentally compliant process configuration allowed the operator to fulfill the production objectives in a limited time frame.
- Scalable facilities provided the capability to deal with increased future production rates.
- Modular equipment allowed reducing field assembly jobs to the minimum.
- Take-Away: Despite all the project constraints, it was possible to accomplish the objectives with a fully compliant facility based on available equipment in the market