“Scientists investigate that which already is; engineers create that which has never been.”
Albert Einstein
Our standpoint is that equipment is not a set of isolated components, but part of a more complex system conformed by the complete processing scheme.
We apply our process expertise to develop innovative solutions and standards for process equipment and special internals.
We design personalized or pre-engineered equipment according to customers’ requirements. The following list comprises equipment families included in our supply scope:
- Two- and Three-Phase Separators.
- Free water knockouts
- Heater Treaters.
- Desalters.
- Test Separators.
- Slug catchers
- Filter Separators.
- Degassers.
- Vapor Recovery Towers (VRT).
- Sand Traps.
- Skimmer Tanks.
- Gun Barrel & Wash Tanks.
- Mixing (Homogenizer) Tanks.
- Steam and Water Bath Indirect Fired Heaters.
- Steam and Water Bath Indirect Electric Heaters.
- Process Heaters.
- Heat Exchangers.
- Air Coolers.
- KOD & Flare Systems.
- Waste Heat Recovery Units (WHRU).
- Thermal Oxidizers.